Anyone else missing 1up and their infamous podcast? Well, former 1up staffers Anthony Gallegos, Nick Suttner, Philip Kollar, Matt Chandronait, Ryan O’Donnell and more have gotten together …
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A few weeks ago we reported that EGM, Electronic Gaming Monthly, will stop it’s magazine circulation and go online only. Then 1up, the parent company of EGM, …
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NATIONAL PARK, New Jersey – is proud to present the ‘NES Holiday Marathon’, a live 12 hour event to raise money for charity.
Beginning December 13th at 12PM EST, the Shamoozal staff will host a retro gaming themed event that will be streamed live through With a focus on variety of content, Shamoozal plans to shake-up the marathon scene by injecting different activities into their 12 hour schedule.
“No doubt about it, we’re going to be playing a ton of Nintendo games, but the focus is going to be less on the completion of these games and more about celebrating them.” says site owner Phil Summers. “On top of all the gaming, we’ll be offering different types of incentives to get people to donate their money to such a great cause.”
4CR: What can we expect in terms of multiplayer? Offline multiplayer? Online or perhaps LAN(linked system)?
EN: Our plan is to deliver a solid multiplayer experience both online and LAN.
Hello fellow purenintendo people!! Kevin and I have traveled long and far, about 2 hours, up to Nashville TN to check in on Justin, makeing sure he is still alive. …
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Happy Wiikend everyone! It’s been a slow week as far as news goes, but we’re hoping to add some excitement to your weekend : ) We’re …
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Does Nintendo know about this?
X-OOM Media Centre for Wii XE enables users to enjoy their music, videos and photos on a Nintendo Wii™. This innovative software turns the popular gaming console into an interactive media centre, by digitally streaming media files such as MP3s and Windows® Media Player files from a PC to a Wii™.
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Hey everyone! Last night I got the opportunity to be a part of a conference call with Master Higgins (Toshiyuki Takahashi) of Adventure Island fame. The …
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LONDON – Nintendo is sponsoring an interactive web series called ‘Get Fit with Alyson’ that aims to motivate children and teenagers to regularly exercise.
Independent multimedia production company Tribe Pictures has created the web series, which stars Alyson Stoner from ‘Cheaper by the Dozen’.
The series is running on from June 11 as podcasts and as mobile content, however additional content entitled ‘Get Wii Fit with Alyson’ will also feature on the Nintendo Channel.
Each show runs for three minutes and features Stoner leading kids through a fun exercise programme and workout. The show will also encourage visitors to submit their own stories of the things they are doing to change their lives.
Dennis Gelbaum, managing director of Tribe Pictures, said: “‘Get Fit with Alyson’ is an interactive destination for kids where they can access cool content and network with others.
Wii Fit
– Best Buy: Wii Fit stands completely sold out
– GameStop: Same story
– Been on BBC news, MTV, Good Morning show, Ellen
– Matt believes that long term, Wii Fit will be huge – not sure if it can sell as much as GTAIV
– Amazon, retailers in general sold out
– Matt has Wii calisis on his palms
Emergency Heroes
– Straightforward racing game, semi-open world
– Decent physics system, good speed and controls
– Framerate jumps sometimes
– Voice-overs are awful
– Overall seems decent
– From Ubisoft (2005 remake), another shooter
– Launch title – 1000 points
– WiiWare could end up with a lot of shooters
– Needs to be faster, more enemies
Castle of Shikigami III
– Great according to Daemon
– Vertical shooter
Boom Blox
– Fun, also good for kids
– A bit overpriced
– Good party game
– Currently embargoed, review tomorrow
– Upcoming events at Sega, Ubisoft, Konami – news out of those events probable
– IGN will have 1 exclusive, Friday – Craig: “Pretty big,” unannounced – Wii & DS game, based off distinct property – video, screenshots
The Conduit:
-Washington D.C. is under attack by aliens
-The All Seeing Eye, reveals hidden locations, monsters, items
-High Voltage was going to show the trailer which ign thought looked cool, but High Voltage wants to delay the public release of the trailer to make the trailer better and fix up its issues.
Gyrostar :
-Looks like Tempest
-$7, Wii-Ware Launch title
-Visuals look better on a larger screen
Thanks Milabrega for the summary:
Guitar Hero DS:
-The guitar Grip in GBA slot. You can strum on screen with stylus or the guitar Pick that comes with the game.
-Works with the DS and DSLite. Will support DS through an adaptor.
-Likely need headphones to get the most out of the music, though it should still be good
-Wireless Multiplayer.
-Star Power Moves that affect your opponent. Like the stage catches fire and you have to blow into the DS, or a fan shows up and you have to sign her shirt.
Hulk Wii:
-Screens, “Shit”
Lost Winds:
-43 MB limit on WiiWare Games
-Look a little slow
-Kirby Canvas style
–Day 1 Wii games, Day 2 WiiWare, Embargo up Monday (Media Summit)
Ever since Brawl come out Nintendo has got a lot of grief over their online play. Today alone their have been two articles talking about the negative on Nintendo online …
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Here at Pure Nintendo we strive to be the best Nintendo news site we can. Things have gone extremely well for us over the past 4 months. With …
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IGN Voice Chat Summary is the new name for the Wiik in review podcast.
Smash Sales:
-1.4 Million copies in 8 days
-1.8 Wii units produced every month
-875,000 Day 1Obscure: The Aftermath:
-480i, 4:3, 60fps, $29
-Stiff Animation in parts
-Drop in, drop out 2 player.Pro Evolution Soccer:
-8.6, “absolutely killer, absolutely sick”
-2 Players, online, great sports game in general, “using the wiimote is badass”Wii Love Golf:
-Online mode for America with Mii usage.
-Zak and Wiki character.Reggie:
-The game could be Kid Icarus, they know it exists, but it could not be.
-They hope its not Kirby,Icarus or DK, the games they already know about. Do hope its Pikmin or something else cool, unknown or newMario Kart Wii:
-Battle Mode. Fun. Going to be the main draw for people.
-They have a remake of block fort, but its not quite block fort, 70% old block fort.
-They like the DK skate park
-Sand level, Swamp Level, Snes Mario Kart battle level 4.
-Battle mode team based 12 players is badass’d
-Online looks like you’ll be forced either red or blue team
Over at NeoGaf they held an open question and answer with Hudson. Here is some of the Nintendo questions that came out of it.
Bomberman WiiWare – Yes. It’s coming. Details are still being finalized. It will be different than Bomberman Live. But it’s still the classic Bomberman, if you catch my drift. It’s probably one of the few classic games we are bring out on Wii Ware, but digital download is really where Bomberman shines.
New Bonk – I tell you what, if you really want to dig into some good dirt on Bonk, then you’ll have to listen in on some recent podcasts I did. I go into detail on Bonk about some interesting things happening behind the scenes. It’s really quite fascinating. With that, I’ll let you treasure hunt!
Super Star Soldier R – Super Star Soldier R for Wii Ware is a unique game. It’s a lot like Pacman Championship edition, in that it’s a time based attack mode, where you prove you can get the highest score. The whole concept originated many years ago on the Hudson Caravan. A traveling showcase Hudson did around Japan where hundreds of thousands of people would come out, meet celebrities, play games, and compete (Bomberman, Star Soldier, etc). One of the original Star Soldier games featured a 5 minute mode, specially designed for competition. And we’d used that to prove who was the best out there. That mode is designed to be very complex, and there are many ways to rake up combo points, so trying to master it requires some testing out of different attack patterns. Anyways, it was hugely popular in Japan, so this updated Wii Ware version was originally planned just for that market. We’re evaluating bring out for the US, since most people have never heard of Star Soldier, or the 5 minute mode or the Hudson Caravan. Or 16-shot. But that’s for another thread.
Bomberman Story DS – No, there’s currently no plans to bring Bomberman Story to the US. When we took a look at Bomberman Land and Bomberman Story, it became clear the Bomberman Land franchise was much more fun, and fit better with US tastes, so we brought that one over. There’s just so much more content in that series, not to mention having the full classic battle mode built in to boot.
Dracula X – As for the classic never-before-released-in-the-US version on the Turbo Duo, no final plans on that yet. But we hear you loud and clear. Neogaf <3 Castlevania X. And so do I.
Thanks to Milabrega for the summary:
-Full widescreen now
-No paper filter likely since they didn’t mention that
Biohazard 0:
-Japan only release right now
-Not a remake, not going to be running 16:9
Crap Games (Podcast Filler?):
-Agatha Christy = 4.9
-Kidz Sports International Soccer = 1.0 “A total turd”
-London Taxi Rush Hour = looks like a bad n64 game
MX Vs. ATV Untamed:
-Floaty, Frame rate is kind of weak